Saturday, September 4, 2010

Blog Post #2 Did You Know

Did you know was a very interesting and informative video. Technology has really grown over the years. It is not only for learning, but also entertainment. There are many things you can do and explore on the internet. I feel that the computer technology is expanding every hour but I don't think that it will take the place of people. Computers have to many problems and will always need repairs and someone to take their place doing those repairs.
Cell phones, ipods, and mp3 players are all examples of how technology has advanced throughout the years. I can remember when we only had pager. I can also remember when cell phones first came out, it was just that a phone. The social network is really on the raise also, and responsible for creating friendships and long lasting relationships. I really enjoy technology and all that it has to offer. I am a die hard fan of facebook and really enjoy keeping in touch with my family and friends. I have connected with alot of friends whom I have not seen or talked to in a long time. I am looking forward to learning new technology and teaching my children and students what I learn.

1 comment:

  1. Lawanna,

    I'm glad to see that you are interested in learning about new technology and how to incorporate these tools into a classroom. We need teachers who like to learn and accept change. I enjoy Facebook also, but I am extremely careful how public I am with my information. I still like my privacy. I think social networking is great, and you will be doing a lot of that in EDM 310. Also, I wouldn't be so skeptical about computers replacing people. Computers can already do a lot more than humans can and at a quicker pace.
