Friday, September 10, 2010

Blog Post #3

A Vision of Students Today I really enjoyed this video and it made me realize that most students sit in lectures and are not really paying attention to what  the lecture is about. Most students minds are on something totally different then school. They are thinking about what they are going to do when class is over or they are thinking why am I even here. I think that class discussions instead of lectures are much more informative and students are more attentive because they are interested in what their peers are thinking.
Students also tend to fall asleep during lectures because they are bored with the topic and the fact that some teachers voices are just the type that puts you to sleep. I think that all teachers should include more discussions in their lecture time so students can comment and listen to the comments of their peers.

It's Not About the Technology I agree with Ms. Hines. We as teachers must continue to be learners to help our students advance and cope with technology today. Technology is important, but the proper training and use is the key to providing our students with these skills. We should make sure we are using these new  tools and ideas correctly before they are introduced to our students.
With the advancing of technology, we should also encourage our students to be independent learners. Teachers should also challenge students to always use critical thinking and problem solving skills. They should always be able to function without the use of technology.

Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher I think that all teachers should be technologically literate. Technology is advancing in many ways and we as teachers should learn all about it. It should start with us as students, because we are the future of teaching. I think this class is an excellent way to teaching technology, because I have learned alot in just a few weeks and look forward to learning more.
I also agree with Mr. Fisch when he said that the responsibility of illiterate teachers is that of the schools who let them graduate and the principles who hire them. The problem will never be fixed if the cycle isn't broken.

Social Media Count I thought this video was very amazing to know how many people are using some form of technology throughout the day. I do some social networking myself, but it very interesting to see the use of all different types of networking, phone calls, texting, emailing etc. This means that alot of people are posted in front of a computer or has some type of device in hand instead of  reading a book. Even though social networking is fun, it shouldn't occupy all of your free time, leave some time for thinking and learning.


  1. Hey Lawanna,
    I have just read your comments and agree with you in most parts. Technology is advancing everyday and teachers should be aware of those changes and take advantage of them. Also, I believe teachers should be technology literate. Technology is not going to stop growing and neither are kids going to stop using it. Teachers should be aware of the changes and utilized them.
    Hope to read more of your post,

  2. Good post Lawanna!

    I agree that we do need to leave time for thinking and learning. But, incorporating social networking and other forms of technology into the thinking and learning process is what EDM 310 is all about. If we can help our students come to the classroom with the same zeal they approach Facebook we will be doing something.

    Your blog looks great. Be sure to proof read before posting. Otherwise, keep up the good work. SS
