Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog Post # 8

This Is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2 The videos were quite interesting and informative. Mr. Miller discussed a lot of issues that school systems are facing today. The way students are taught now is a lot different from when I was in school. The books are different and most of them come with more then one book or some kind of work book.

Technology also has a big impact on how students learn. You can find all types of sources on the internet. We use to have to go to the library for everything, now all you need is a computer with internet. The use of computers has really cut back on the time that people send in the library. It has also cut back on writing. Most students now type their papers and most of their work that is required.

As a future teacher, I think that technology will be a vital part of my classroom activities. I agree with Mr. Miller when he said that we will have to develop curriculum around technology. Students will need to know how to use computers to help them with most of their classroom activities.

EDM 310 is Different I enjoyed both The Chipper Series and EDM 310 for Dummies. I'm enjoying this class, but it is quite challenging and sometimes I feel like I just can't do it. I can truly say if it wasn't for the support of the lab staff, I would have given up a long time ago. I have learned how to really be an independent learner and figure out a lot by myself. I have come very close to the point of just screaming, but I'm glad that I have come this far to the finish line and I'm going to continue and try not to get behind on my assignments. For future students, I would encourage them to always stay ahead, because if you fall behind, it is hard to catch up.


Critiques of Smartboards. I would have to disagree with the two argurments, I have had the experience of seeing the smartboard first hand. It is a very useful tool. Teachers can use them as a whiteboard, projector, and play videos on it. They can also teach their whole lesson plan on the smartboard and the students like it because they get to hear sounds and it is also colorful. These are some sites that I found and smart boards are hands on minds on

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